Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Pdf

FYILevel 700 to 1,000 includes names like Jesus, Buddha & Gandhi.
SelfIsEnlightenmentIneffablePure ConsciousnessThe Cosmos
FYIOne person vibrating at 700 counterbalances 70-Million people vibrating below 200.
Everything you know is stripped away for a fixed period of time, in order to introduce a level & set of information that is totally new to you.The Dark
FYIOne person at a frequency around 600 counterbalances 10-million people below 200.
All-BeingPerfectPeaceBlissIlluminationThe Soul

In his book Power vs. Force Hawkins introduced a scale of expanding levels of consciousness that he calibrated using the methods of muscle testing and kinesiology. He presents a vibration scale which consists of a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness on a scale of 1 to 1000, where 1 is simply being alive and 1000 is an advanced state of. In order to create this Map of Consciousness® over 250,000 muscle testing calibrations spanning 30 years of multiple research studies were conducted by The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. Hawkins defined a range of values that correspond to levels of consciousness which include well-recognized attitudes and emotions.

Author: David R. Hawkins Publisher: Hay House ISBN: Size: 63.54 MB Format: PDF, ePub View: 3404 Get Books The now widely known Map of calibrated levels of Consciousness was presented in Power vs. Force in 1995 and has been translated into all the world's major languages. Secrets of david r hawkins map of consciousness Apr 01, 2021 Posted By John Creasey Public Library TEXT ID 64750eef Online PDF Ebook Epub Library contains file type pdf secrets of david r hawkins map of consciousness recognizing the showing off ways to acquire this books secrets of david r hawkins map.

OneCompleteJoySerenityTransfigurationThe Soul
FYIOne person vibrating at 500 counterbalances 750,000 people below 200.
LovingBenignLoveReverenceRevelationThe Soul
FYIEinstein, Newton & Descartes all vibrated at 499.
One person at 400 counterbalances 400,000 people below 200.
FYIOne person at 300 counterbalances 90,000 people below 200.
FYIThe 200 level is the first true stage of consciousness.
The theme is 'Responsibility = Power': when I take responsibility for the fact that I have created this, then I realize that I already have all the power and ability I need to create something different. When I take responsibility, I claim my power.
FYIMost people live below 200 and never rise more than 5 points on the scale across their life.
VengefulAntagonisticAngerHateAggressionSacrifice & Loss
DenyingDisappointingDesireCravingEnslavementExpectation & Desire
The following notes were taken by Carole Frank on 24th April 2010 during Dr. David Hawkins lecture on 'Handling Spiritual Crisis'. (A copy of these notes is also provided at the bottom in the PDF format.)


NationalHumility Day – Most humble person wins a prize of a fake chicken.

Humor iswhat is serious.Tragedy – a dime adozen.

We willreview the basics because of so many new people (about 900 attended).

Map of Consciousness

I wanted todiscover truth from falsehood and it is a wonder that I’m still here. (Ha Ha) How do you tell truth from falsehood?It came from a simple observation that truthmakes your body go strong.Truth forbiologic reasons makes your body go strong – one can tell the truth of anythingand calibrate the truth of anything.Numbers go up to 1,000.Thehigher the number – the greater the truth.Many things – FCC doing about investments, etc. - they were supposed tobe guarding?We know how they werespending time on their computer.Theirlevel of functioning was below 100.Mostwere on the computer looking at porn and notdoing work.

It is notalways clear why you get a no.Must askfor the “highest good” and usually you will get an answer.There has to be mutual trust – it is a relativestrength.Truth makes us strong andfalsehood makes us weak.

Level ofEnlightenment – goal.Move out of lowerlevels of hate, vindictiveness, punitive, vengeful, pride, shame, guilt – movesup to infinite love and one with our reality.Love is an aspect of Divinity. “ Loveis the radiation of Divinity.”(Muscle Tested) Love is not attachment – butthat is how the general public sees it.

How do youget rid of guilt?Course in Miracles orrealize guilt is really egocentricity –“ Oh me - God must hate me.”People obsess about themselves and think theyare doing something spiritual.The needis to say, “Please God, help me to see what the correct attitude about thaterror.”If you forgive yourself for theerror and ask for clarity of understanding you will be okay.The mind wants you to believe that you’veinjured God by being stupid – how ridiculous.

·Allthese people were watching pornography – FCC – when they were supposed to bewatching and guarding.According to theFCC, heaven is one pornographic scene.Everyone is doing you know what to the people

85% o f world’s population below 200 calibration.The implication is overwhelming.(Muscle tested)

The world right now isat 204.America is (right now) at 412.

ØConsciousness was below 200 untilrecently.Civilization is recent – last5,000 years.

ØInstead of feeling badly about it –accept that 85% of world’s population lives below the level of integrity.Keep that in mind when someone wants toborrow something –“ Is this a good idea?”

ØBuilt into living organism is abilityto know poison – innately discern which is life and which is anti-life –poisonous.

ØPryamid – 15% is above.Survival of world depends on 15% thatcalibrate.Everyone here calibrates at least in the 400’s.

ØIn some cultures if you don’t cheatthe customer – you will get beaten when you get home.

ØOnly very recently that mankindsuddenly evolved.Throughout most ofmankind it was primitive and now in large parts of the world that is stilltrue.

ØAnimals keep it simple.They exhibit wonderful qualities.Kelsey, my dog calibrates at 240.Animals calibrate at a higher level than mosthuman beings.You have to take yourshoes off when you are boarding because someone calibrates less than mydog.Now you have to worry about whatthey have in their shorts – okay buddy.A great job – a shorts inspector.

ØDog’s wagging tail is 500.A kitty’s purr is 500.Broccoli is our parrot and she speaksEnglish.Susan taught Broccoli “call mylawyer.” I’m watching the news and the bird is saying “call my lawyer”(ha ha).You’re better off with a pig at 205 than many people in the world thatwould like to praise God by blowing you up.Oscar the cat, can tell who will die within 24 hours. (250)

ØAlligators calibrate at 45.If people put their head in the mouth – we’lldo this 20times and then he will haveyou for dinner.Dolphins are at 95.

Great Books of the Western World

ØAristotle – 498 – Darwin – 450 Descartes – 490- Engels 200 –Karl Marx -130.The far left calibrateslow because the closer you get to Marxism – starvation and chaos.Immanuel Kent, Herman Melville, Plato –485.Adam Smith, Tolstoy 420.The Great books came out of the University of Chicago.Having studied these – you have more knowledge and wisdom than theaverage university.The average public university calibrates under 200.Indoctrinatonis a book that explains this.

“Ha Ha Ha – Thymic thump – think aboutsomeone you love and it is even better.” Dowhensomething negative happens.Negative thinking and negative environmentwill activate disease process.Above200 – lovingness – releases endorphins – increases healing – positive muscletest.Negativity has a deleterious effect physically as well aspsychologically.

Causes of Societal Problems

600 and overcriminality is 0, poverty is 0 – Life is Okay – 100%

Low level ofconsciousness are prone to poverty, criminality.Over 500 – 90 percent are happy.People dominated by Courage – 55% arehappy.No one cares about your guiltexcept you – that’s just egocentrity – you will judge others when you have it.It is self-indulgence

Spiritual Teachers

Black Elk,JacobBohm, Dalai Lama, Useful for orientationto see where you are in your own belief systems.Listed in books.Practicality – where are you on the scale ofconsciousness – it will be who you are interested in reading.There are many well-known teachers today thatare under 200 – so be very careful.

JesusChrist, Krishna, Buddha all 1,000

Love – Level500

ØGiving, sharing, uplifting, innerhumility, sweetness.You feel thathealing surrounds.

Wolf insheep’s clothing – government here to help you.

Students ofnonduality are the only people on the planet that have access to thetruth.Others are persuaded by the media– but somehow they make your arm go weak.

Muscletesting is pragmatic – this is a good gentleman for me date – this is a goodplace to start a hardware store.

Currentscientific– earth warming is due to the electric activity of the sun – sunspots.It is not due to humanactivity.

Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Pdf


Early Life

Birth:Sensory overwhelm – can remember contractions– emerging out of darkness that was warm into bright lights, cold, no longersafe and secure. Hunger, cold, noise,lights, separation, emotion, fear.Contrasted today with being birthed in a bathtub underwater with warmwater, low lights, soft music.Imprinting occurs.

Midwifery –warm-water imprinting into a warm water tub.As soon as you are born you imprint and that becomes your mother.It is there permanently.You will be afraid of every new situation ifyour experience is not positive as you are born.Imprinting lasts a life time.The mother is greatly revered in allcultures.You will either be an optimistor pessimist depending on your birth experience.Attitude is safe or danger – half full orhalf empty.


Affection,trust, siblings, rivalry, discipline, confidence, Good/Bad, Birth order,experiences in schooling,-Religion, sour; Reverence-spirituality;Heaven vs. Hell, Sin, guilt, Parentingskills, Physical health, and Heredity are profound factors that influence youyour whole life.If you are self-aware,you will study and learn about why you are the way you are.

Badexperiences at one’s birth leads to criminality.


Worldevents, Emotional climate, financial adequacy, social acceptance, education,friends, comrades, Sexuality, hormones, Heredity.



Vocation,courtship, Marriage, success, family, World conditions – we are all affected bythis – emotional expectations will be affected without you being aware of it.Health, financial, aging, political,intellectual, philosophical, introvery/Extrovert, Physical appearance.

These arethings we have to transcend – to others they are limitations.You are subject to what you hold in mind.And you become it.People take it forgranted unless you are in psychoanalysis.You have to go through these – transcend stresses of ordinary life toget to Enlightenment.

The Doc wasborn addicted to nicotine because his mother was a smoker.Grandparents Victorian – all smoked exceptfor one grandmother.All lived to be 95years old.There is a difference in thetobacco of Doc’s grandmother and mother’s age group than now.It now tests toxic.


Vocations,Courtship, Marriage, Success, Family, World conditions, Health, Financial,Aging, Political, Intellectual, Philosophical, Introvert/Extrovert Physicalappearance

Need tobelieve in self – even if in jail.Somepeople congenitally unable to learn – in and out of prison – unable to learnfrom experience.Be happy if you have abad experience and learn that this way does not work.Sixpercent of the population cannot learn from experience.It is congenital.Don’t condemn but take protection –

Worldconditions affect us more than we think.Human consciousness is collective and it affects all of us because weare all connected.Does not have to beconscious.It affects your sense ofinner security, pessimistic or optimistic, etc.

Healthaffects mental condition and vice versa.Some illnesses seem to be genetic.Healing and Recovery.Use the arm on any doctor you areseeing.Some doctors lack caring in theworld today.Certain doctors have highrecovery rates – cared about their patients as human beings.The difference is caring – it affects evenyour lawn.Pray that you are not toougly and scare people, etc. Essence of all life is Divinity.All of life is the expression ofDivinity.All of life is God.Hunting in Wisconsin was the culture – father wenthunting for deer and started to shake – life energy of deer knocked himout.How can you kill Bambi if youunderstand that you are “killing God?”One understands this if you are at a certain consciousness level.Most of hunting is rationalized – not becauseyou would go hungry.

Comfort zonefinancially –

Aging – it’sbecause of how long I have lived – my age group lived through things and if youdid not live through things you don’t understand.St. John University– whole curriculum is Great Books of the Western World.

Introvert/Extrovert– Comfort zone within self or only when you are with others.To be ambivert is perfect.

Physicalappearance – have to learn to live with it—whatever it is.This is another task of consciousness—toaccept your personal appearance without putting yourself down.

Spiritual Survival/Reality (1)

Realities oflevels of consciousness

Reality is asubjective mental presumption

Reality:linear vs. nonlinear

Reality vs.Truth: Oneof benefits of meditation – what you call “I” the “me” real?Dissolves.

Who or whatis the “I”?

“I” aswitness vs. actor

“I” asexperience

“I” aschooser, volition, will

“I” associal personhood

“I” asfeelings/thoughts

When youcall I is diffuse

Self asblank screen of which all of above can be reflected.It does not become the program.

Self ascontent vs. context

Res eternavs. res externa- perception vs. reality– transcend res eternal and discover res externa and ask the arm

Self knows, mind thinks

Knowdifference between essence – wolf in sheep’s clothing – and truth.

Spiritual Survival/Reality (2)

Reality asessence vs. appearance

Alice in Wonderland:opinion -

Visual images programyou without you realizing it in the media.

Virtualreality of media

The world isa projection:illusion

“Reality” +1/10,000th – of – a – second process

Editing:“Tape out” vs. “recording”

Mind iswithout a compass

Alternaterealities above or below level 200

55% error inUSA.Only 45% are capable of diiscerning reality.

Politicalizationof beliefs

Narcissismas warp/distortion – guilt plays a big role – “at least I’ve felt guilty – it’sall about me.”Nobody cares why you feelguilty.Inner parent is going to punishyou.Ego centricity.It is important to give up guilt if you areon the spiritual track of raising your consciousness level.

Indoctrinationtrumps realty

Allinformation is presumptive- We all assume we are right about our minds.As you get more sophisticated you will learnthat this is not so.

Send yourkids to Yavapal College (cal. 440) Most Universitieswith “big names” calibrate at 180.

Further north your ancestors comefrom – the greater your chance you have of addiction.Alcoholism is genetic – Scandinavians,American Indians, - as you get closer to the equator – addiction goes down.

Practical Spirituality

Stay with Holy Company – aura radiates and influences you –this audience calibrates as holy company.People interested in pursuing spiritual truth.

Energy-field Effectof crowd.Spiritualteacher is emanating energy field – whatever is said is secondary.You become “that.”The caringness for life – from family oforigin – accounts for every success in life.Doc’s experience as a child included both black and white caretakers andtherefore equally loveable.If you werenot surrounded by factors as an infant – you have to work at loving some groupsof people.

Relapse Experience of AA- if you go to AA and lay in back of room you will pick upenergy and become sober.

Band of Brothers”:Bonding

Cultural Paradigms of Reality

Karmic Influences -

Spiritual vs. Religious

Eventuallyyou realize – walk around the bug.Everything is God!

(After Break– 2 – 5- p.m.)

Practical Spirituality (2)

Alignmentwith Primary Teacher (look at list)

Putprinciples above personality

Chart ofAuthenticated Teachers

Avoid NewAge-ism & Novel Exotic

Avoid ChanneledEntities (Most would not be channeling if they were high caliber)

Avoidself-styled “Masters.”

Practical Spirituality (3)

Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Pdf

Study,Contemplation, Meditation

Balance ofFaith and Reason

Becoming vs.“Know About”


All Hatred Doctrines

Be watchfulof “Spiritual ego” – Many think they have dropped the “ego” only to be replacedby spiritual ego.

Inspiration:of Cathedrals

Practical Spirituality(4)

Be Watchfulof “Religionism”


Value ofintention


Practice ofthe Virtues

Practice ofGreat Commandments

Avoidance of7 deadly sins.

Practical Spirituality (5)

Good Will

Avoid“Ancient Mysteries” and Prophecies (current are all wrong including 2012)

AvoidHigh-priced Gurus with Specialness

AvoidEvil/Seduction by Glamour

ACIM:Inner Direction (came from White Brotherhood from a prioragreement)Doc met her and it was froman “inner voice.”This was notchanneled.

·To enter this domain it requires aform.If you put on a costume for aparty, it doesn’t mean you are an elf.(question about isGod formlessness)

·Motivationand the drive to achieve.How does oneget this to excel?You want to become a devotee but you’re too lazy?The reason is there to exist.Then for you existence is good enough.What gives you satisfaction.You don’t see the obvious.He’s going to graduate in about 3minutes.You’re looking formystical/spiritual to be obscure and the truly mystical is obvious.People want magic – want God to be this andnot this.

·Lecturestates to stay with company that is Holy.I teach children who have not read your book and are low on thesocio-economic scale.By my employment,I am required to be in a low-energy field of disadvantaged children.My perception is that I am stepping intolower energy on a daily basis, what am I to do?Your caringness is transferred no matter what you say.A lot of kids who go to special schools doworse.A child’s mind will get whetheryou are there and participating or not.

·Your energy comes out from whatever you care to express – when I made adoor it was a door.Do everything youcan do to the best of your ability.

·Whatis the best way to encourage spiritual growth in children?Take them to church, cathedrals, by exampleof parents, classical music, chess

·TheFinal Run – premature to participate.Whenyou are facing certain death you will know it.Don’t focus on it.Study theground work so that you are prepared.The Energy stays within your aura even if you get reborn. The fear grabsyou from your stem to toe and it is terrifying.You don’t need someone to tap you and tell you it is time to getscared.It is close to terror foreveryone when they go through this because it is the death of the ego.

David Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Chart Pdf

·I’ma dentist from Korea.I want silent transmission.The intention of the secret precipitatesthis.It has already been done.Why is Somati lacking in joy.Somati is a higher state of consciousnessthan joy.Somati is nothingness and joyat the same time.

·Isometimes feel a heavier energy than joy.If I’m fully present, the heaviness fades away.I have a question of transcending this.This is a state of vacillating between twodifferent states – then you learn how to be comfortable with it.There is no hurry –

·Myego does not want to let go of hopes and dreams.There are still obsessions and desires.Just keep surrendering and eventually itwill happen of its own by virtue of your own intention.It occurs autonomously.

·Voices in my head – which is the ego,the Self, and Guardian Angels?How do ordinary things seem to come toyou.Despite your best efforts, thinkingis coming.There is a sense of ownershipthat it is your own thought and a sense of “the other” when it is not yourthought. Allow phenomena to be what they are and don’t seek authorship. Allowand ignore.If your personal life ishappy you are not worried about finding someone out there.

·Some people come here to evolve andothers have a specific mission – karmic propensity.

·I’mhaving trouble understanding karma.Isthere a point where you know you have gone beyond your karmic debt withoutbecoming enlightened?Yes.

·Icouldn’t stop crying – and then I felt numb.I don’t understand.On the thirdday – a spiritual high – miraculous occurring.You don’t need to know why.You’re trying to control the phenomena – let it unfold on its own.First of all – you’re too dumb tounderstand.The ego is dumb – he’s nottalking about his real self.The ego iscalled your “dumb self.”

·Fouryears ago – I’ve been coming and I’m here to say goodbye.I’m bringing you my campaign – Louisiana– and I’m goingto become the mayor because the current one does not understand Cajun.Ihardly ever get to meet a mayor – the first one all year.

·I’vebeen experiencing shaking – physical pain – I speak in a language I do not know– emotions come.Can you help meunderstand and advice?Shaking isprimary.Hypnosis might cure itin one session.This is will shake outany negative energies you might have picked up.

·When6, 25,44,experiences with devil. Itis a real sensation that is a lower astral energy pulled in with guilt.Challenging of spirits – you have the rightto order these spirits to leave and they must then do so.Called the Challenging of Spirits.If you are not of Jesus Christ – you mustleave.He cursed someone at 19 years ofage andbrought in the negative lowerastral beings.(Muscle tested – true)Itis best not to curse people.

Map Of Consciousness Pdf

·Yousaid you spent an 11-day period letting go and subsequent in Long Island you had a profound experience – will you talk aboutit?No.I don’t remember the experience. I rememberthe restaurant and it was rather profound but I’ve forgotten it now.Wanting to please people I let go of.We serve as an inspiration even though we donot duplicate the same experience.

David Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Pdf

·Isit beneficial to calibrate one’s own level of consciousness?No.It would be better to go over to thespiritual teachers and see what one resonates with.The teachers may not match – some may seemboring.

·Joy is closer to God than guilt.A lot of people try to get to God throughguilt and being a worm – won’t work.I’m not always coming from my heart – Oh yes – you’re a human being.Sense of humor is very important.You do the best you can and surrender it andstop telling God how to do it – poor old God.

The Map Of Consciousness

·Somepeople have been falling to ego traps.Is there anything that can help us to be prepared?It allsums up – from what to read to how you treat people, how you treat yourself andyour body.Some days you feel you wentbackward and you were “bad.”Then the ”kid”is acting up.